Exploring History,
Preserving Heritage

Ports, Past and Present explored the heritage and creativity of five Irish sea ports of Dublin Port, Fishguard, Holyhead, Pembroke Dock and Rosslare Harbour. Over four years, Ports, Past and Present created a range of cultural heritage and creative outputs.

The newly produced materials empower these five coastal communities to tell their unique stories and allow visitors to discover the rich heritage the ports have to offer.

Funding and Success

Join us in celebrating the success of this project as we uncover captivating histories and preserve our shared heritage. Experience the spirit of the project by flicking through our gallery.

Project Partners

The project was undertaken by University College Cork, Aberystwyth University, The University of Wales Trinity St David and Wexford County Council. It was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme.

The project was externally evaluated by Wavehill, and their final evaluation report can be read here.

About the Project

The Ports, Past and Present team have worked hard to ensure the long-term legacy of the project. We engaged in Digital Humanities best practice to archive not just our academic outputs, but also technical and operational aspects of the project. We created this website to direct users towards the location of all these materials.

Creative outputs, films, photographs and heritage stories can be found on the Digital Repository of Ireland, the People’s Collection Wales and Europeana.

Project plans, along with other functional resources created by the project are housed on Zenodo.
The Port Places App is powered by Safarnama, an open-source app platform created by Lancaster University.

We are committed to the long-term preservation of historical data.

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Port Stories

A Film

Creative Connections

A Port

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