Discover Rich Content
for Classroom Exploration

Explore the cultural heritage stories housed on the Ports, Past and Present website in various ways: in the classroom and out on school field trips … here are some suggestions!

Enquiry-based learning

Use the stories housed on Ports, Past and Present as the starting point for a team-based, online learning project.

  1. Divide the class into teams and give each team a story to read.
  2. Next, encourage the teams to find out more by following the list of ‘Related Sources’ at the bottom of each story page.
  3. Each team can report their findings in various formats, such as a short oral presentation, a digital presentation or perhaps something creative. This could be a poem or story based upon what they have read.
  4. You can use the ‘Explore by Interest’ page to choose a set of stories on a particular theme, or ‘Explore By Port’ to find content about each of the 5 ports.

The Port Places App is free to download from the App Store or Google Play. There are lots of experiences to download, which means you don’t need to be online when you use the app. You can even use a tablet while out on tour. The app can act as your guide around any of the Irish Sea ferry ports that formed part of the Ports, Past and Present project – Rosslare Harbour, Fishguard, Holyhead, Dublin Port and Pembroke Dock.

The app can use your geolocation to share content, or you can use the markers on the map to click on heritage stories which can be shared with your tour group. Happy exploring! When you return to the classroom, why not do the enquiry-based learning activity described above using the Ports, Past and Present Stories?

Use the Port Places App for a school walking tour of one of the ports

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Once you’ve explored the Port Places App the next step is to add your own experience! You can research and write your own tours to be included on the app – they can relate to any aspect of community and cultural heritage related the ports. This activity is best undertaken by schools located in or near the ports, but with some research and effort, any school can contribute a tour.
Here’s a ‘how to’ video to add content to the Port Places App.

Bring History to Life in Your Classroom
With a Variety of Captivating Content

Port Stories

A Film

Creative Connections

A Port

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The App

Listen To
A Podcast

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Encourage your fellow teachers to join in! Share this valuable resource with your colleagues and collaborate to create an impactful learning experience for students.

Together, we can promote a deeper understanding of history and heritage education.

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  • Worksheet 1

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  • Worksheet 2

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has...

  • Worksheet 3

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has...

  • Worksheet 4

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has...